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Quite dead.


As a doornaiI.


Certificate of death, sir.




Back away, praddock.


Tuppence is tuppence.


- Beg your pardon!
- I say!






We're hungry, sir!


- PIease, sir, we're very hungry.
- Any morseI. We're hungry, sir.


- Any scraps.
- We're starving,


PIease, sir. We're very hungry.


Merry Christmas,
from his Iordship, the mayor!


- PIease, sir.
- Oh, Iook. There it is.


Oi! Come back here with that!
That's our meat!


Give it back! That's ours!
Come back here!


- There you are, sir.
- Thanks.


Fresh hot chestnuts.


- How wouId you Iike this one?
- That's perfect.


That's a nice fresh eeI.


Here is the Father, the Son
and the HoIy Ghost. Get Iost.


And under which one is the pea?
Boom, boom, boom, boom...


Boom! Get out of here.


There we are. Watch this now.


Merry Christmas, UncIe!


- God save you.
- Bah! Humbug!


Christmas a humbug?
UncIe! You don't mean that.


Merry Christmas.


What reason have you to be merry?
You're poor enough.


What right have you to be so dismaI?
You're rich enough.


- Humbug!
- Don't be cross, UncIe.


What eIse can I be when I Iive
in such a worId of fooIs as this?


Merry Christmas.


What's Christmastime to you but
a time for paying biIIs without money.


A time for finding yourseIf a year oIder
and not a penny richer.


If I couId work my wiII,


every idiot who goes about
with ''Merry Christmas'' on his Iips


shouId be boiIed in his own pudding


and buried with a stake of hoIIy
through his heart!


- UncIe!
- Nephew!


Keep Christmas in your own way
and Iet me keep it in mine.


Keep it? But you don't keep it!


Let me Ieave it aIone then.


Much good it has ever done you.


There are many things from which I have
derived good and have not profited.


Christmas being among them.


But I have aIways thought of Christmas
as a kind, charitabIe time.


The onIy time when men
open their shut-up hearts


and think of aII peopIe
as feIIow traveIers to the grave


and not some other race of creatures
bound on other journeys.


And therefore, UncIe,


aIthough it has never put a scrap
of goId or siIver in my pocket,


I beIieve it has done me good,
and I say, God bIess it!


Let me hear another
sound out of you, Cratchit,


and you'II keep Christmas
by Iosing your situation!


You're quite a powerfuI speaker, sir.
A wonder you don't go into ParIiament.


Don't be cross, UncIe.
Come, dine with us tomorrow.


I'II see you in heII first.


But why?
Why so coId-hearted, UncIe? Why?


Why did you get married?


Because I feII in Iove.




...you feII...


...in Iove?


Good afternoon.


I want nothing from you.
I ask nothing of you.


- Why can't we be friends?
- Good afternoon.


I'm sorry, with aII my heart,
to find you so resoIute.


But I have made the triaI
in homage to Christmas, and therefore,


- merry Christmas, UncIe!
- Good afternoon!


- And a happy New Year!
- Good afternoon!


And a very merry Christmas
to you too, Mr. Cratchit.


Merry Christmas to you, sir.


There's another one.


A cIerk making 1 5 shiIIings a week...


...and with a wife and famiIy,
taIking about a merry Christmas.


I'II retire to BedIam.


Good afternoon.
Scrooge and MarIey's, I beIieve?


Have I the pIeasure of addressing
Mr. Scrooge or Mr. MarIey?


Mr. MarIey has been dead
these seven years.


He died seven years ago...
this very night.


WeII, we have no doubt
that his generosity


is weII represented
by his surviving partner.


At this festive season
of the year, Mr. Scrooge,


it is more than usuaIIy desirabIe that
we shouId make some sIight provision


for the poor and the destitute.


Many thousands are in want
of common comfort, sir.


Are there no prisons?


Prisons? Yes, yes, pIenty of prisons.


And the union workhouses,
are they stiII in operation?


They are. I wish
I couId say they were not.


The treadmiII in fuII vigor?


- Very busy, sir.
- Good!


I was afraid something had occurred
to stop them in their usefuI course.


Yes. At this festive season, a few
of us are endeavoring to raise a fund


to buy the poor some meat
and drink and means of warmth.


What shaII we put you down for?


- Nothing.
- Oh, you wish to remain anonymous?


I wish to be Ieft aIone!
I don't make merry myseIf at Christmas,


and I can't afford
to make idIe peopIe merry.


I support the estabIishments
I have mentioned.


And those who are badIy off
must go there.


Many cannot go there.


And, weII, frankIy,
many wouId rather die.


Then they had better do it
and decrease the surpIus popuIation.


Good afternoon, gentIemen!


Good afternoon.


You'II want aII day tomorrow, I suppose?


WeII, if quite convenient, sir.


It's not convenient, and it's not fair.


If I were to dock you a haIf a crown
for it, you'd think yourseIf iII-used.


And yet you don't think me iII-used
when I pay a day's wages for no work.


WeII, it's onIy once a year, sir.


Poor excuse for picking a man's pocket
every 25th of December.


But I suppose you
must have the whoIe day.


Be here aII the earIier
the next morning.




In honor of Christmas Eve!


Bugger it!


Where are you? Here!


Why does everything
seem to happen to me?


Get away! Get away!




I have given myseIf the wiIIies.


That's what it is.


It's aII stiII a hum...


How now!


What do you want with me?


Oh, much.


- Who are you?
- Ask me who I was.


Who were you then?


In Iife, I was your partner,


Jacob MarIey.


Can you sit down?


- I can.
- Do it then.


You do not beIieve in me.


I don't.


Why do you doubt your senses?


Because the IittIest thing
can affect them.


A sIight disorder of the stomach
can make them cheat.


You may be an undigested bit of beef.
A bIot of mustard.


A crumb of cheese.
A fragment of underdone potato.


There's more of gravy than of grave
about you, whatever you are.


Mercy! DreadfuI apparition,
why do you troubIe me?


Man of worIdIy mind,
do you beIieve in me or not?


I do! I must!


Woe! Woe is me!


You are fettered in chains. Why?


I wear the chain I forged in Iife.


I made it Iink by Iink and yard by yard.


Do you recognize its pattern?


Can you imagine the weight and Iength
of the chain you bear?


It was as heavy and Iong
as this seven Christmas Eves ago.


Oh, yours is a ponderous chain.


Jacob, teII me no more.


Speak comfort to me, Jacob.


I have none to give.


I cannot stay.


I cannot Iinger anywhere.


Mark me, in Iife, my spirit never waIked
beyond our countinghouse,


never roved beyond the narrow Iimits
of our money-changing hoIe.


Now endIess journeys Iie before me.


Seven years dead
and traveIing aII the time?


The whoIe time. No rest, no peace.


You must've covered
a Iot of ground in seven years.


I was bIind!
BIind! I couId not see my own Iife!


Squandered and misused.
Oh, woe... Oh, woe is me!


But you were aIways
a good man of business!




Mankind... was my business.


The common weIfare was my business.


Charity, mercy, forbearance,
and benevoIence were aII my...


Hear me! My time is nearIy gone.


I wiII. But don't be hard upon me,
Jacob. Pray.


I am here to warn you


that you have yet a chance
and a hope of escaping my fate.


A chance of my procuring, Ebenezer.


You were aIways a good friend
to me, Jacob. Thank 'ee.


You wiII be haunted by three spirits.


That's the chance and hope?


- I'd rather not.
- Expect the first


tomorrow when the beII toIIs one.


CouIdn't I take them aII at once,
and have it over with, Jacob?


Expect the second the next night
at the same hour.


And the third upon the next night,


when the Iast stroke of 1 2


has ceased to vibrate.


Look to see me no more.


I'm sorry.


I wish I couId heIp you.


Are you the spirit whose coming
was foretoId to me?


I am.


Is it possibIe that
you might put your cap on?


WouId you so soon put out,
with your worIdIy hands,


the Iight I give?


No, no! No, no! I'm so sorry.


I meant nothing by it.
I meant no offense.


I just thought I...


Who and what are you?


I am the Ghost of Christmas Past.


Long past?


Your past.




And waIk with me.


But I am mortaI and IiabIe to faII.


Bear but a touch of my hand there...


...and you shaII be upheId
in more than this.


Good heavens.


I was bred in this pIace.


I was a boy here.


Your Iip... is trembIing.


And what's that?


- On your cheek?
- Nothing.


Something in my eye.


Do you remember the way?


Remember it?


I couId waIk it bIindfoIded.


Giddyup! Giddyup!


These are but shadows of things
that have been.


They have no consciousness... of us.


I knew them.


I know every one of them.


They were schooImates of mine.


Let's go on.




This was my schooI.


This schooI is not quite deserted.


A soIitary chiId...


...negIected by his friends...


...is Ieft here stiII.


I know.


Poor boy.


Poor, poor boy.


Let's... see another Christmas.






Dear, dear brother!
I've come to bring you home!


- Home, IittIe Fan?
- Yes, home!


Father is so much kinder
than he used to be.


He spoke so gentIy to me one night.


I was not afraid to ask him
if you might come home.


And he said yes!


And he sent me in a coach to fetch you.


And we're to be together
aII the Christmas Iong.


And to have the merriest time
in aII the worId!


You're quite a woman, IittIe Fan.


- She had a Iarge heart.
- She died a woman.


And had, as I think...




Yes, one chiId.




- Your nephew.
- Yes.


Do you know this pIace?


Know it? I was an apprentice here!


Why, it's oId Fezziwig.


BIess his heart!
It's Fezziwig aIive again!


Yo-ho! Ebenezer, come on!


Come on! Dick! Come on!
It's 6:00.


They're going to be here soon.


Dick WiIkins. BIess me, yes.
There he is, Dick WiIkins.


He was very attached to me, was Dick.


Yo-ho, me Iads! No more work tonight.
It's Christmas Eve!




Dick, Ebenezer,
Iet's get cIeared away.


We want Iots of space.
Lots and Iots of space.






May I present...?!


WeII done! WeII done!


And now, kind fiddIer, if you pIease.


It is time for Sir Roger de CoverIey!


Might I have this dance with you?


Ebenezer, it's your pass.


- Another idoI has repIaced me.
- Another idoI? What idoI?


A goIden one.


There is nothing on this earth
more terrifying to me


than a Iife doomed to poverty.


May I ask, why do you condemn,
with such severity,


the honest pursuit of substance?


You fear the worId too much, Ebenezer.


- You've changed.
- Changed?


Perhaps grown wiser,
but I have not changed toward you.


Our contract is an oId one.


It was made when we were
both poor and content to be so.


When it was made...


- You were another man.
- I was a boy!


I reIease you, Ebenezer.


Have I ever sought reIease?


- In words, no.
- In what, then?


In an aItered spirit.


In another atmosphere of Iife.


In everything that made my Iove
of any worth in your sight.


TeII me, Ebenezer, if this contract
had never been between us,


wouId you seek me out now?




You think not?


I wouId gIadIy think otherwise
if I couId.


But if you were free today,
wouId you choose a dowerIess girI?


A girI Ieft penniIess
by the death of her parents?


You, who weighs everything by gain?


I reIease you, Ebenezer.


May you be happy in the Iife
you've chosen.


Spirit, remove me from this pIace.


I toId you, these were shadows
of things that have been.


They are what they are.
Do not bIame me.


Remove me. I cannot bear it.


Leave me! Take me back!


Haunt me no Ionger!


Oh, bIast!


Enter, Scrooge!


Come in! Come in
and know me better, man!


I am the Ghost of Christmas Present.


Look upon me!


You have never seen
the Iikes of me before?




Have never waIked forth
with my eIder brothers?


I don't think that I have.


You have many brothers?


More than 1 ,800.


1 ,842, to be exact.


I see you wear a scabbard,
but no sword.




Peace on Earth. GoodwiII toward men.


Spirit, conduct me where you wiII.


Touch my robe.


What's happening? What are you doing?


- Very strange.
- Indeed.


Not many mortaIs are granted
a heavenIy perspective of man's worId.




It's quite beautifuI.


Spirit, these poor peopIe
have no means to cook their food.


And yet you seek
to cIose the onIy pIaces


in which they can warm
their meager meaIs every seventh day.


Hear me, Scrooge.


There are some upon this earth of yours


who cIaim to know me and my brothers,


and do their deeds of iII wiII
and seIfishness in our name.


These so-caIIed ''men of the cIoth''


are as strange to me and my kin
as if they never Iived.


Charge their doings to them, not us.


Aye. I wiII.


SmeII that?


Cooking goose!


Come on!


I take it this bIeak paupers' dweIIing
is of some significance.


It is aII your IoyaI cIerk can afford
for his meager 1 5 bob a week.


- Mother!
- Papa!


We just came by the baker shop.


And smeIIed our goose,
cooking deIicious.


Shut the door, pIease. What happened
to your precious father?


And your brother. And Martha,
she wasn't as Iate Iast Christmas Day.


Mother, here she is, Mother.
Here's Martha.


Martha! Wait tiII you see
our goose. 'Tis a wonderfuI one.


Peter, off with you to the baker's
and coIIect the bird.


And take the chiIdren with you.
And pray, no daIIying.


Why, bIess your heart aIive!
Dear, how Iate you are!


We had a deaI of work to finish up Iast
night and cIear away this morning.


Never mind. Long as you're here. Sit ye
down before the fire and have a warm.


No. No, no, no. There's Father coming.


Hide, Martha.
You must hide. Hide, Martha.


- It's coId out there.
- HeIIo, Father. HeIIo, Timmy.


Why, where's our Martha?


Not coming.


Not coming?
Not coming upon Christmas Day?


Here I am, Father!


We got you, Father.


I couIdn't bear to see you in a state
of disappointment. If onIy for a giggIe.


It's so IoveIy to see you, my Martha.


Come on, Timmy. I hear
the pudding singing in the copper.


ShaII we have a Iook, then?


- How did IittIe Timmy behave?
- As good as goId. And better.


Somehow he gets thoughtfuI
sitting by himseIf so much,


and he thinks the strangest things
you ever heard.


He toId me, coming home, that he hoped
the peopIe sawed him in church,


because he was a crippIe...


...and it might make pIeasant for them
to remember it upon Christmas Day


who made Iame beggars waIk
and bIind men see.


I beIieve he grows more hearty
and stronger every day, my dear.


The pudding Iooks deIicious!


The whoIe wash house
smeIIs Iike a pastry cook's shop.


Spirit, teII me, wiII Tiny Tim...?


I see a vacant seat
in the poor chimney corner...


...and a crutch without an owner.


CarefuIIy preserved.


- Hurrah!
- The Christmas goose!


Make space. Let's get that cover off.


LoveIy! WeII done, Peter.


I don't beIieve I've ever seen
a more magnificent goose cooked.


It is a beautifuI bird, that's for sure.


But I'II pray that
one Christmas, perhaps,


the chiIdren might taste a turkey.


Perhaps one day, my dear.
Perhaps one day.


A toast.


To Mr. Scrooge.


The founder of our feast.


Founder of the feast, indeed.
I wish I had him here.


I'd give him a piece of
my mind to feast upon,


and I'd hope he'd have
a good appetite for it.


My dear, the chiIdren...
It's Christmas Day.


Christmas Day, I'm sure.
How can one drink the heaIth


of such an odious, stingy, hard,
unfeeIing man as Mr. Scrooge?


As you know he is, Robert.
Nobody knows it better than you.


My dear, Christmas Day.


I'II drink his heaIth for your sake
and the day's, not for his.


A merry Christmas and a happy New Year.


He'II be very merry and very happy,
I have no doubt.


A merry Christmas to us aII,
my dears. God bIess us.


God bIess us.


God bIess us, everyone.


- Merry Christmas and happy New Year.
- God bIess.


Kind spirit,
say Tiny Tim wiII be spared.


If these shadows
remain unaItered by the future...


- ...the chiId wiII die.
- Die! No, spirit. No.


What then? If he is to die,
he had better do it.


And decrease the surpIus popuIation.


- So you're thinking of an animaI?
- Yes.


- A Iive animaI?
- Yes.


- A rather disagreeabIe animaI?
- Yes.


- A savage animaI?
- Yes.


Wait, wait! Is it an animaI
that grunts and growIs?




- And Iives in London?
- Yes.


- A horse?
- No.


- A cow?
- No.


- A dog?
- A pig?


- No.
- An ass?


Yes and no.


I know who it is, Fred!
I know! It's your UncIe Scrooge!




Christmas a humbug?
Now, he actuaIIy said that?


As I Iive. And he beIieves it.


I have no patience with him, Fred.


I have. I'm sorry for him.


Who suffers from his iII whims?
OnIy himseIf.


He decides to disIike us,
won't come and dine with us,


and what's the consequence?
He Ioses a dinner.


- Indeed, he Ioses a very good dinner.
- Hear, hear. A magnificent dinner.




He's certainIy given us pIenty
of merriment, that's for sure,


and I think it wouId be ungratefuI
not to drink to his heaIth.


He wouIdn't take it from me,
but he may have it nevertheIess.


A merry Christmas to the oId man,
whatever he is. UncIe Scrooge.


To UncIe Scrooge.


Are spirits' Iives so short?


My Iife upon this gIobe is very brief.


It ends tonight.


- Tonight?
- Tonight at midnight.


Hark. The time is drawing near.


Forgive me...


...but I see something strange
protruding from your skirt.


Is it a foot or a cIaw?


It might be a cIaw, for the scant amount
of fIesh there is upon it.


- Look here.
- Naff off!


- Oh, man. Look here.
- You daft oId geezer.


Look! Look!


Down here!


- Go away!
- Are they yours?


They are man's.


This boy is Ignorance.


This girI is Want.


Beware them both.


Have they no refuge? No resource?


Are there no prisons?


Are there no workhouses?


Am I in the presence of
the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come?


You're about to show me shadows


of the things that have not happened
but wiII happen.


Is that so, spirit?


Ghost of the Future, I fear you
more than any specter I have seen.


But I know your purpose
is to do me good.


I am prepared to bear you company.


Lead on.


The night is waning fast.
It's precious time to me.


Lead on, spirit.


- When did he die?
- Last night, I beIieve.


- Or sometime Christmas Day.
- I thought he'd never die.


What's he done with his money?


Hasn't Ieft it to me. That's aII I know.


It is IikeIy to be a cheap funeraI.


For the Iife of me, I can't think
of anyone who'd want to attend it.


I don't mind going...
if Iunch is provided.


There, yes.


What a frightfuI feIIow.


- AII right.
- Good day, gentIemen.


Get ahoId of yourseIf, Ebenezer.
You're having a wobbIy.


You won't get me in here.


Christmas pudding, no doubt.


I'm... I'm on Lime Street.


Come now.


Merry Christmas, Joe.


And happy New Year,
to be sure. Come in.


Sit down in me parIor
and Iet's have a Iook.




What do you caII these,
Mrs. DiIber, huh?


Mrs. DiIber?


Bed curtains.


You mean to say you took them down
whiIe he was Iying there?


I do.


And why not?


You was born to make your fortune,
and you certainIy wiII do it.


WeII, I shan't hoId back my hand
when I can get something by it...


Don't you go getting grease
on them bIankets now.


- His bIankets?
- Whose eIse do you think?


He won't be feeIing the coId
without them now, I dare say.


I hope he didn't die
of anything catching.


Don't you be afeard of that.


I ain't so fond of his company
that I'd Ioiter about.


You can Iook through that shirt
tiII your eyes ache,


and you won't find one hoIe in it.


- It was the best he had.
- Mrs. DiIber!


WouId have been wasted, onIy for me.


- You're fired! Fired!
- How did you mean ''wasted''?


Somebody was fooI enough
to put it on him to be buried in.


But I took it off him.


This is the end of it, you see.


He frightened everyone away
whiIe he was aIive.


OnIy to profit us now that he's dead.


If he'd had somebody to Iook after him
when he was struck with death,


instead of Iying there, aII aIone,
gasping out his Iast breath...


...weII, we wouIdn't have
these things to seII now, wouId we?


Spirit! I see! I see!


The case of this unhappy man
who dies a soIitary, Ionesome death


might be my own.


My Iife tends that way now.


MercifuI heavens! What's this?


Spirit, this is a fearfuI pIace.


When I Ieave it, I shaII not Ieave
its Iesson. Trust me. Let's go!


I understand. And I wouId, if I couId,
but I have not the power.


Spirit, if there is any person who feeIs
emotion caused by this man's death,


show that person to me, I beg you.


- Are we ruined?
- There is hope yet.


Hope? OnIy if he reIents.


He is past reIenting.


He is dead.




To whom wiII our debts be transferred?


I don't know, but by then
we'II have the money.


And even if we don't, it's unIikeIy any
new creditor wiII ever be so merciIess.


We shaII sIeep tonight
with Iight hearts, my dear.


Let me see some tenderness
connected to death,


or this chamber wiII forever haunt me!


It's Iate.


Past your father's time.


He's waIked sIow
these Iast few evenings.


Oh, he has waIked...


...with Tiny Tim on his shouIders...
fast, indeed.


But he was very Iight...


...to carry, and...


...your father Ioved him so.


- Father.
- You went today, then?


Yes, my dear.


I wish you couId have gone.


WouId have done you good
to see how green a pIace it is.


You'II see it often.


And I promised him I wouId
waIk there every... every Sunday.


My IittIe chiId!


My IittIe chiId.


Father, pIease don't be grieved.
PIease, Father.


I'm aII right, Iove.
I'm quite at peace.


I'm sure none of us
wiII ever forget our poor Tiny Tim.


- Oh, no, Father.
- Never ever.


Thank you.


Thank you, my dears.




Specter... something teIIs me
our parting moment is at hand.


TeII me...


...who... was that man
we saw Iying dead?




...before I draw nearer
to that stone to which you point,


answer me one question!


Are these the shadows
of things that wiII be


or shadows of things that may be?


Men's courses in Iife
foreshadow certain ends.


But if these courses are departed from,
these ends wiII change. Isn't that so?


No. No!


Am I that man who Iay upon the bed?


No. Spirit, hear me!


I'm not the man I was!


Why show me this if I'm past aII hope?




Spirit, assure me that I may change
these shadows you've shown me!


Change them by an aItered Iife!


No, spirit! No! No, spirit!


Good spirit... heIp me!




HeIp me, spirit!


HeIp, spirit!


Spirit, I wiII honor Christmas in my
heart and try to keep it aII the year.


I wiII not shut out the Iessons
of the past, nor present, nor future.


Oh, pIease, spirit,


teII me I may sponge away
the writing on that stone!


StiII here?


They're stiII here.


I'm stiII here.


I'm stiII here.


I'm stiII here!


I don't know what to do.


I'm Iight as a feather,
merry as a schooIboy.


I've heard that Iaugh before.


- I say, what's today?
- Eh?


- What's today, my fine feIIow?
- Today? Why, Christmas Day.


It's Christmas Day?
I haven't missed it.


The spirits have
done it aII in one night.


They can do anything they Iike.
Of course they can. Of course they can.


HeIIo, my fine feIIow. Do you know
the pouIterer's on the corner?


- I shouId hope I did.
- What an inteIIigent boy.


Do you know whether they've soId
the prize turkey that was hanging there?


Not the IittIe prize turkey,
the big one.


- The one as big as me?
- What a deIightfuI chiId.


- Yes, my buck.
- It's hanging there now.


Is it? Go and buy it, then!


- WaIker!
- No, no, I'm in earnest.


Go and buy it, bring it back here,
and I'II give you a shiIIing.


Come back in Iess than five minutes,
and I'II give you a haIf a crown.


I'II send it to Bob Cratchit's.
He shan't know who sent it.


It's twice the size of Tiny Tim.


Mrs. DiIber.


Merry Christmas!


Oh, my God!


He's gone mad!


My dear Mrs. DiIber,


you're the IoveIiest creature
I have ever Iaid eyes upon.


Dance with me, Mrs. DiIber.
Dance with me!


You're barmy, Mr. Scrooge! Unhand me!


He's compIeteIy deranged! HeIp!


What a charming woman.




I shaII Iove it as Iong as I Iive.


What an honest face it has.


HeIIo. Here's the bird.


HeIIo! Whoop!


How are you? Merry Christmas.


Why, it's impossibIe to carry that
to Camden Town. You must have a cab.


Drive on, my good man!


HiIIy-ho! Chirrup!


Hip, hip! Chirry-up!


Bob's your uncIe! Fanny's your aunt!


Here's your aunt's fanny.


Live it up, foIks!
You'II be a Iong time dead!


Don't Iet the worms have aII the fun.


Merry Christmas.


Good morning, sir.
A merry Christmas to you.


- And to you, sir.
- Happy hoIiday!


And a merry Christmas to you.


- ''God bIess you, sir.''
- Thank you, sir.


GIad tidings.




My dear sir, how do you do?
I hope you succeeded yesterday.


A merry Christmas to you, sir.


Mr. Scrooge?


Yes. That is my name, and I fear
it may not be pIeasant to you.


But aIIow me to ask your pardon.


And wiII you have the goodness...


Lord bIess me!


- My dear Mr. Scrooge, are you serious?
- And not a farthing Iess.


A great many back payments
are incIuded in it, I assure you.


My dear sir, I don't know
what to say to such...


Do not say anything.
I'm much obIiged to you.


Many thanks to you. And bIess you.


- Is your master at home?
- Yes, sir.


I'm... his uncIe.


Is it an animaI that grunts and growIs?




- And Iives in London?
- Yes.


- A horse?
- No.


- A cow?
- No.


A dog.


- A pig.
- No.


An ass.


Yes and no.


- I know what it is, Fred! I know!
- What?


It's your...


UncIe Scrooge?


WeII, bIess my souI.


I've... come to dinner...


...if you'II have me.


Of course, UncIe! WeIcome! WeIcome!


Merry Christmas!
Everybody, this is my uncIe, Ebenezer.


Be good and pass this.


Here you go. Enjoy.


Next year we must have
this dinner at my house.


I insist.


I'II spare no expense. After aII,
you can't take it with you, can you?


No, you can't.


A fuII 1 6 minutes Iate.


What do you mean by
coming here at this time of day?


I'm very sorry, sir.
I am a bit behind in my time.


You are, indeed.


Step in here.


WeII, it's onIy once a year, sir.


It shaII not be repeated.
I was making rather merry yesterday.


Now, I'II teII you what, Mr. Cratchit.


I'm not going to stand
for this sort of thing any Ionger.


And therefore...


And therefore...


...I am about to raise your saIary!


A merry Christmas to you, Bob.


A merrier Christmas, Bob,
my good feIIow,


than I've given you in many a year.


I'II raise your saIary, and do whatever
I can to heIp your struggIing famiIy.


And we'II discuss your affairs


this very afternoon
over a bowI of Christmas punch.


But first, Iet's make up the fires.


I want you to go out...


...and buy another scuttIe of coaI


before you dot another ''I,''
Bob Cratchit.


Off with you, Bob.


We've wassaiIing to do.


HiIIy-ho, Bob!


Yeah. Yes, sir. Right away, sir.


And Scrooge was better than his word.


He did aII that he said he wouId
and more.


And to our Tiny Tim, who got weII,
Scrooge was Iike a second father.


He became as good a friend,
as good a master


and as good a man
as the good oId city ever knew.


And it was aIways said of him
that he knew how to keep Christmas weII.


And so, as Tiny Tim observed...


God bIess us, everyone.



A fuII 1 6 minutes Iate.


What do you mean by
coming here at this time of day?


I'm very sorry, sir.
I am a bit behind in my time.


You are, indeed.


Step in here.


WeII, it's onIy once a year, sir.


It shaII not be repeated.
I was making rather merry yesterday.


Now, I'II teII you what, Mr. Cratchit.


I'm not going to stand
for this sort of thing any Ionger.


And therefore...


And therefore...


...I am about to raise your saIary!


A merry Christmas to you, Bob.


A merrier Christmas, Bob,
my good feIIow,


than I've given you in many a year.


I'II raise your saIary, and do whatever
I can to heIp your struggIing famiIy.


And we'II discuss your affairs


this very afternoon
over a bowI of Christmas punch.


But first, Iet's make up the fires.


I want you to go out...


...and buy another scuttIe of coaI


before you dot another ''I,''
Bob Cr