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I'm sorry.


- Oh, it's okay.
- I'm sorry, baby.


- I'm sorry.
- Fucking shoulder.


Keep going.


That's helping.




Just a little bit.
Just to clean it up.


I'm not cutting it.


But you'd look so hot
with short hair.


- Oh, would I?
- Yeah.


- Thank you.
- No, no, no...


Sorry, I didn't mean it
like that.


You are hot.


You are the hottest.


- Keep going.
- You and your gorgeous,


thick, long hair.


- Continue...
- I just fucking love the way it's long.




Happy Father's Day, Daddy!


Kids, we said after breakfast.


I want cake for breakfast.


Wow! Chocolate with sprinkles!


My favorite.


Happy Father's Day!


- Open it! Open it! Open it!
- Open it! Open it! Open it!


I am, I am.


I like building up
the anticipation.


Oh, you guys...


- You like it?
- I love it.


Muah! I love it.


- Thank you.
- Mom helped us.


No, I didn't.
It was all their idea.


- Right, kids?
- Right.


- Cake! Cake! Cake!
- Cake! Cake! Cake!


- Okay, okay.
- Cake! Cake! Cake!


Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake!


Oh, look at that
beautiful looking cake!




Who did this to monster!


Oh, you can't hide from monster!


Monster can smell you!


Run! Run!
Monster's coming!




Monster made kids disappear.




Monster wanna finish
what we started.


Too late, the kids are awake.


Monster sad.


I'm sure monster can
wait till Monday.


Monster been waiting
three weeks.


Yeah, but with the kids
and my exhibition


I cannot keep everybody
happy all the time.


Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Monster doesn't want
to start a fight.


Okay. Sorry, me neither.


I promise we'll finish this
as soon as I get back.


Oh, monster happy.


Monster happy.


Monster very happy.


Yeah, Mommy.


- Gracias.
- De nada.


- Everybody packed?
- Yeah.


Monkey, good boy.


Dad, why can't we take
Monkey to the beach with us?


Yeah, you know
he loves the beach.


Monkey needs to stay here
and keep your dad company


so he doesn't stay
all alone during the weekend.


- That's unfair.
- Knock-knock.


Hey, Louis!


Hey, guys,
hot off the presses.


- What's going on, Louis?
- What's shakin'?


What's going on, little guys?


Mr. Webber, how are you, sir?


Morning, Louis.


I'd offer you a hand, but all
I can lift is this coffee.


Oh, that's what happens when
you try to impress girls in the bat cage.


I wasn't flirting,
I was being a gentleman.


Yeah, I'm sure she was
a poor helpless 25-year-old.


Yeah, helpless.


Do you know what this is?


Is it a Father's Day
present for Daddy?


No. No, this is
Mommy's catalog.


Assuming they got the color
right this time.


Oh, let's hope.


I think they did.


It's a little bit magenta,
but it's almost perfect.


- What's magenta?
- This color.


Honey, it's perfect.


Mom, can Louis come
to the beach with us?




No, Louis needs to stay here
and do some work.


Just like your daddy.


That's correct.


Father's Day party that me and
your dad are gonna have tonight.


Louis! Shh!


- Oh, come on.
- You're not having a party.


I'm not having a party,


I'm working very hard.


Did you pack your gun?


- Yes.
- Did you pack the bomb?


- Yes.
- Have you packed the cannon?


- Yes.
- Have you packed the chainsaw?


You didn't pack the chainsaw?


Go get the chainsaw, man!


The cement still hasn't dried,
but it should be fine by tomorrow night.


Still, it's extremely fragile
and I don't trust those movers


after the mess
they made at the gallery.


Mmm-mmm. No, I'll take
care of it. Don't worry.


Okay, gracias, I'll have it
all packed up for you.




It's almost dry though.


Yeah, so I'll just text you
when it's at the gallery.


Don't worry about anything,


I got it all under control.
You have a good weekend at the beach.


Enjoy yourself. I'm out.


Gracias, Louis.


- Mr. Webber, I'll see you tomorrow.
- Thank you.


I mean, "tonight"
for the super-secret party.


- Louis...
- See you, kids.


- Bye, Louis.
- Super-secret party?


- Super-secret party.
- Okay.


Is this the last one?


- You like it?
- I love it.




I think it should be bigger.


- You think so?
- Yeah, then we can get the pool.


Okay, I'll do it
bigger next time.


I told Vivian tomorrow
at 2:00.


I don't need her therapy
anymore, it's healing.


Tell that to your shoulder.


Dad, are you sure
you can't come to the beach with us?


I would love
nothing more, sport.


But if Daddy doesn't work
this weekend, we'll have to live in a box.


Do you guys
want to live in a box?


- No.
- No. Not really.


Me neither.
Unless I designed it.


Okay, say goodbye to Daddy.


Bye, Daddy.


Say goodbye to Monkey.


Bye, Monkey.


Daddy, don't forget to send
all your party pix on Instagram.




Call me when you get there.


I will. I love you.


- I love you.
- I love you.


Bye, guys.


- Bye.
- Bye, Daddy.


Get a haircut, Dad!


Well, Monkey...


Looks like it's just me
and you, kid.


Hey, baby.


How's the house?


Hi! It's perfect.


Look. Kids, say hello
to your dad.


- Hi!
- Hello.


All it needs is you.


- I love you.
- I love you, too.


Miss you.


Good night.


Who's there?


Just one second, sir, please.


- Hello?
- Could I use your phone, please?




We're so sorry
to bother you, sir,


but could you please tell us
where the Gregorys live?


This is the third house
we've tried.


Looks like everyone's gone
for the long weekend.


The Gregorys?


No, I don't know anyone
around here


by that name.


What's the address?




I honestly don't know.


My phone got wet
and she left hers at her house.


The taxi just dropped us here.


We've been walking around
for, like, 20 minutes.


Yeah, my feet are, like, dying.


Well, I'm sorry.
I'm afraid I can't help you.


Bless you.




Thank you.


Well, if you guys want
you can come in and use my phone.


Oh, thanks, but...


All our contacts are on
our phones.


I... I don't even know my own number,
can you believe it?


Maybe Ashley's on Facebook chat?


Ah, genius.


Actually, would you mind
if we just used your computer for a sec?


We don't want to impose.


We'll just get the address
and be out of your hair.


Yeah. Sure.


Come in.


Thank you.


No, it's fine. Don't worry.


Oh, I don't mind.


We don't want to mess up
your house.


Yeah. Excuse me.


Um, thank you so, so much.


- I know this is so random.
- It's fine.


Hang on, I'll get you
an iPad and some towels.




Nice house.






We're in here.


I'm so sorry,
it was warmer here.


Hope you don't mind.


We were freezing.




Oh, my God. Thank you.


This is beyond embarrassing.


Don't worry about it.


Make yourselves at home.


I'm Bel, by the way.




- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.


Ashley's online.




You're a life saver, Evan.


Not everyone would just let two total
strangers into their house these days.


Well, you don't look
that dangerous.


Worst case scenario,


I know I can
take the both of you.


I'm not so sure.


I do air boxing.


- Air boxing?
- Yeah, like, you know?


- Oh, okay.
- Oh, my God, I'm sorry.


- Excuse me, sir.
- Yes.


- What's the address?
- His name's Evan.




458 Canter.


Wow. We're like, far.


It was Kantner, not Canter.


The cab must've
misunderstood us.


I told you that he was
going the wrong way.


That guy barely spoke English.


I mean, his English
was worse than mine.


This is so retarded.


Don't worry about it.
I'll call an Uber.


No. No, no, no.


We can find a cab outside.
It's no problem.


Not around here, you won't.


Trust me,
it's the only reliable way.


You sure?
I feel like such an idiot.


We don't want to ruin
your night.


No really. It's fine.


It's looking for a driver.


And it'll be here in...


45 minutes.


That long?


The rain.


We're lucky we even got one.




Um, I know this is gonna
sound weird,


but could we maybe throw our clothes in
your dryer just for, like, 10 minutes?


We really don't want to go
to a party soaking wet.






Sure, sure. Um...


We have some extra robes.
I'll, uh, go get them.


- Thank you.
- Yay.


This is literally
saving our lives.


Yeah, we could get sick and die.


You have your phone?


Uh yeah, why?


I can try and fix it.


Really? Oh.


My kid dropped mine in the tub,


and you won't believe this,
but if you put it in rice


it kinda dries it out.


- That would be awesome.
- Rice?


Oh, my God,
you're like a MythBuster.


Thank you so much, Evan.


You're welcome...


- Genesis.
- Genesis.


Yeah, like
the beginning of time.


In the beginning.




Yup, that was...
You're sick of that.




I'll, uh...


I'll go get you some.


Hey, Evan?


Where should we put these?


Oh, I'll take them.


No, we can do it.
We don't mind.


I got it.


I made you some tea.


- Thank you.
- Thank you, that's nice.


- So sweet.
- I'll trade you.


Uh, okay.




Excuse me.


Oh, my God.


Oh, sorry.


We were trying to warm up.


Yeah, I mean, we've
never seen one of these before.


- A real one.
- It's okay.


Just be careful. It's old.


I see you've met Monkey.


Yeah, this is Monkey.


It's time for Monkey
to go to bed.


- Bye, Monkey.
- Night-night, Monkey.


- Night-night.
- Sweet dreams.


Bye, Monkey.


All right, Monkey.


Go home, Monkey.


You have so many records.


Sorry. We had to try one.


Stop apologizing, it's okay.


I love this album.
You have good taste.


This is like...


An insane collection.


- Yeah.
- It must be worth a fortune.


Well, everything's
online now, so...


But, uh, I love
the sound of vinyl.


You're really into music.


Well, it used to be my job.


What? Like a record salesman?


I was a DJ.


Oh, my God. That's so cool!


You're like Major Lazer!


It's really a hobby now,
I haven't had a real gig in years.


Wait, how old are you?


I'm 43.


- No fucking way.
- I can't believe you're 43.


I thought you were, like,
28 or 30 at the most.


Well, I got married
when I was 30.


Where's your wife?


She's at the beach with my kids.


We were gonna spend
Father's Day there, but, uh, work happened.


Oh, my God, you are all
alone on Father's Day.


Poor Evan, we'll keep
you company!




No, it's fine.
We celebrated this morning.


Whoa, you're not 43.


You must work out,
like, every day.


Yeah, I keep in shape.


Not like when I was
in my 20s, but, uh...


Come on, any guy that ripped


is more into his own ass
than yours.


Yeah, I mean, like, seriously,


is that all you do?


Oh, my God,


I remember
I fucked this model once,


and while we were having sex


I caught him doing
crunches in the mirror.


It was the gayest thing ever.


I'd take somebody that's older and more
experienced over an Abercrombie model any day.




Well, hopefully one day
you'll find both.


I don't know.


Underwear models are the kind of guys
you fuck when you're 14.


That's a statement.


- This is your wife?
- Yup.


I want to see it.


Wow! She's so pretty.


She's beautiful.
You're a lucky guy.


Yeah, I certainly am.


I'm just an architect, but, uh,


she's the real deal.


Most of what you see is hers.


- She made all these?
- Yeah.




They're so pretty.


I love these colors.


Red's my favorite.


This is amazing.


I actually studied art history.


I'm no expert, I was only
there for a semester, but,




This is like a Gaudi building,
but small.


Yeah, my wife loves Gaudi.


She was, uh,
she was born in Barcelona.


Like me?


English, English.
You guys sound too sexy.


That's about the extent
of my Spanish anyway.


My kids speak it perfectly.


Your wife's an amazing artist.


Why are these sculptures here?


They should be in like, MOMA.


Actually, um...


It's not exactly MOMA...


But she's having a big
gallery show in LA.


Karen Alvarado.
That's such a pretty name.


An architect and an artist.


You guys
are like the perfect couple.


And she's so hot.


You must have sex,
like, all day.


- Bel!
- What?


I would.


She sees a hot girl
and chases after her.


Well, it's okay.
I have no complaints.


Sorry, I was just being honest.


No, no. It's fine.


Um, but, uh...


I must say


I'm not used to girls just
being so open about that.


About what?




No, I mean... Yes.


- Yeah.
- Yes.


It's just sex.




Now you seem old.


Sorry. So sorry.


Twenty minutes away.


How long have you
and your wife been together?


I was 29 and she was 20.


It's been awhile.


So you haven't been
with anyone else in all those years?


Fourteen years, nope.




How is that even possible?


Well, when you love someone...


Come on, Evan.


Humans are the only species
that practice monogamy.


I mean, we're animals.
We're more animals than animals.


It's in our DNA.


Like, being with one person
your whole life,


is going against
your own nature.




It's like this.


I understand men.


I know whenever I get married,


my husband is gonna want to be
with other girls.


So, I want to get comfortable
with having threesomes now,


because I know that's the only way
he'll never cheat on me.




So, are you guys...
What do you guys do?


I mean, are you...
Are you in school or something?


I mean...


we're flight attendants.




What would you like
for your entree, sir?


We have chicken...


And pasta.


Please buckle
your seatbelt, sir.


We may be encountering
some turbulence.




Where you guys based out of?




Last weekend we were in
New Zealand for 24 hours.


It was awesome.


Wow, how was that jet lag?


We don't sleep.


It's like being
a fake rock star.


You know, you fly
around the world first class,


drinks are on the house
and they pay you for it.


I'm jealous.


I once got offered a tour
when I was a DJ.


Not like you guys, but, uh,
Tri-State area.


Yeah, well, I think traveling
is the best way to get life experience.


Especially when you're
only there for 24 hours.


You really make the most of it.


Yeah, we make the most of it.


Unlike that fucking
starfish we work with. Ugh.


Ugh, starfish.


- Starfish?
- This girl we work with...


She doesn't have to do
anything in bed,


she just lies there
like a fucking starfish.


Hence, starfish.


I mean,
who'd want to fuck that?


I don't understand
girls like that.


When I'm with a guy,
I want him to have the time of his life.


- No rules.
- None.


Nothing's off limit, sexually.


Sex with boundaries
isn't really sex.


If our bodies are capable
of doing it,


then we were meant to. Right?


Oh, Evan?
Can I use your bathroom?


Of course. It's, uh, down
the hall on the right.




I don't know any of these.


Well, I have pretty
eclectic taste.


You have Spanish music.


Chilean, actually.


My wife loves her,
Fran Valenzuela.


Can you put it on?




She's really talented.


She started composing
when she was 13.


This is her third album.




How did you know
that would mix?


DJ'ing is like mixing a drink.


First you find
the right ingredients,


then you find the blend.


Evan, I have something
to confess.




I'm glad we knocked
on your door.


I'm having a way better
time here


then at that stupid party we were
supposed to go to.


Well, I have to confess,
it's not usually this exciting around here


at 1:30 in the morning.


It's like destiny
that we were meant to meet.


Do you believe in destiny, Evan?


I'm an architect.


So obviously I believe
that things happen by your own design.


Well, I do.


I don't think
people just meet randomly.


I think that
if we are here, together,


it's because


there's something we have to
learn from each other.




It's here.


I'll go get Genesis.


I'll get your clothes.


What the fuck!




Guys, the car's outside.


Guys, I have your clothes,
they're pretty much dry.




All right, I'm coming in,


I'm not looking, so excuse me.


- Surprise!
- Surprise!


What the fuck are you doing?


- Come on, Evan. Join us.
- Yeah, join the party.


- Come here.
- The car's outside.


The car can wait. Come on.


I'm gonna tell the driver
that you're coming out.


Get dressed. Now.


Please. Here's your clothes.


Evan. Look at us.


Come on...


Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Stop. Stop. Stop.


I can't do this.
I'm married.


Happily. Okay?


Yes. You can.


Hey, it's our little secret.


Whoa, stop. Stop.


It's just sex.
We're all adults here.


I'm flattered.


But really, I can't.
Please, get dressed.


Yeah, you can.


Come on, just one day.


Just relax and enjoy it.


You like this?


Have you ever had two girls
do this to you before?


- Happy Father's Day!
- Happy Father's Day!


It's time for the Family Feud!


Introducing the Levy family!


- Morning, Daddy.
- Evan! Evan!


Watch this!


Belly! Belly! Catch! Catch!


Sorry, Belly.


I thought you guys left.


- We made you breakky.
- I'm not hungry.


Monkey, that's mine.


And the star of Family Feud,
Richard Dawson!


You two live together?






Why, Evan?


So I can drive you there.


I haven't been home
in like four years.


This could be our home.


I'll drive you
wherever you want.


Did I say something funny?




I want to go to Paris, Evan.


No, let's go to Tokyo.






Don't let your breakky get cold.


Hey, baby.


Hey, you're alive.


Yeah, ah, barely.


I forgot how strong
Vanessa's weed was.


I just woke up.


You are such a lightweight.


- How are the kids?
- Not so good.


- What happened?
- Evan!


Jake got stung by a jellyfish.
He was crying.


- Oh, no!
- Yeah.


Poor little guy.


- He's okay now.
- Where is he?


He's back at the beach.


It was a little bit hairy
for a while,


but now he's okay.


What about you?
How's your project?


Great. Great. Great.


Uh, I'm in a really good
groove now,


so, home stretch.


Okay, then don't let me
interrupt you.


Let's talk later.
You seem a little distracted.


No. That's not what I meant.


It's just...


so I don't have to think
about it, you know?


Maybe if I get done early,
I can,


I can drive out there.


Baby, I get it. Don't stress.


Do what you have to do.


- I love you.
- Love you, too.


Don't smoke all our weed.


I won't. I promise.


- Bye.
- Ciao.


Shit! Shit! Shit!


Are you hungry now?


Get up! And get dressed!


Right now!


Excuse me, sir.
Can you tell me where Evan is?


You know, that sweet guy that
saved two girls from the rain?


He's gone. Get the fuck up.


Let's go.


I don't appreciate
your tone of voice.




Come on, Belly. Looks like
Evan lost his sense of humor.






Let's go!


Where's Bel?


I don't know,
she's not my friend.








What the fuck are you doing?


You tell us to get dressed.


Come on. Playtime's over.


Evan, can you hold me?


Please, just once more.


- Please, I miss your hugs.
- Bel. Listen to me.


You're leaving. Now.


Get dressed.


- I love you.
- Bel...


- I love you.
- No!


I love you so much.


God damn it! Fuck!


I love you. I can't help it.


I'm crazy about you.


You have three minutes!


I'll be outside!


Get dressed!


Let's go!


What in the fuck
are you doing!


You have any idea
what you've done?


Yeah. It's called art.


We were inspired
from last night. Remember?


I'm calling the fucking police.


Go ahead.


What the fuck is so funny!


I just have
a funny story for them.


It's called
"To Catch a Predator."


What the fuck are you
talking about?


Fifteen to 20 years?


I think it is 20.


Fifteen gets you 20, right?


- I don't believe it.
- You don't have to.


The jury will.


Statutory rape, Evan.


Twenty years behind bars.


And that's just for one of us.


And I'm not planning
on taking a shower.


I have evidence.




So how could you be a flight
attendant if you're only 15?


What the fuck! What?


We saw that in a movie, Evan.


I told you he'd believe it.


Do you want to check my ID?


She doesn't have one,
she's too young.




What do you want?


We want to make breakky
for you every morning.


Come on.


Just tell me.
How much do you want?


Don't be mad, Evan.


That's not you.


- You're different from the others.
- Yeah.


How much!


What do you think we are,


Jesus, Evan,
we're not fucking whores!




You're the fucking whore!






It's Vivian!


Do not move!




Evan, I'm so sorry I'm late,


but that storm blew
branches out all over town.


It even knocked
two traffic lights out.


I swear, I swear I was sitting
there for 15 minutes


and I was trying to navigate,
but there was repair trucks.


It's fine. It's fine.


Actually, I'm feeling
much better.


Oh, then that's really good


because then this'll help.


I'll give you
a relaxation massage,


it'll help circulate.


Actually... Karen should have
told you,


I have a lot of work to do
this weekend.


I love Karen. I love her
so much, how is she?


She is so talented.


I cannot wait
to see her exhibition.


In fact, you know what?


Jim and I are going
to drive up for the opening


if I can get out
of that conference


I have in Sonoma
with those massage therapists.


You know how that can be.


He doesn't want your massage.


Do you, baby?


Get back inside.


Don't let me get cold.


This is really upsetting, okay?


I'm here to heal,


but this is really...
This is upsetting!


- It's upsetting!
- It's not what you think.


No, no.
It's exactly what I think!


But you know what?
It's your life.


- Vivian, please.
- I... Don't.


It's your relationship, Evan.


Look, I'm a DJ like Evan!


Why didn't you let
your girlfriend in?


Are you ashamed of us?
Or are you fucking her, too?


- Get out of my house!
- Be careful,


these two cute little girls
can put you behind bars


- for the rest of your life!
- Get out of my house!


What would your client say?
Your neighbors?


What would your wife say if we told
her everything we did last night?


Get out!


It's gonna be such a shame
to see your wife divorce you!


And your business ruined


over a single night
of perversion!


You wanna go door-to-door
telling your neighbors


you're a child molester?


What would the other parents do?


Let their kids play here if
you're a convicted pedophile?


There's Evan!


There's Evan!


I didn't think
you had it in you.


911, what's your emergency?


I'd like to report a break-in.


You're calling from 458...


Can you give us a ride?


Let's go.


Well, this isn't awkward at all.


Cool car, Evan.


This one on the right.




You're not gonna get out
and say bye?




Don't you want to come in
and meet my mom?


- Oh!
- Bye!


Send our love
to Karen and the kids!






Oh, my God!




What the hell are you doing?


Genesis, please,
this is crazy, untie me!


What's the point of this?


I'm a good person.


I made a mistake.


We can forget
this ever happened.


Please! Please!


Haven't you ever made a mistake?




Oh, Daddy!


Look what I found.


Oh, my God!


You take that off.


That's my daughter's.
You take that off!


You like how it fits me, Daddy?


- Look.
- Take those off,


you fucking crazy bitch!




You know,
every girl's first love


is their daddy, huh?


You're sick.


You like what you see?


You like what you see?




- Huh?
- No.




Untie me.


Untie me, please.


If you really love me,


untie me.


Ignore that asshole.


He's not an asshole.


He's my Daddy.


You don't listen to her, Daddy.


She doesn't love you
the way I do.


I love you, Daddy.


I've loved you ever since
Mommy brought you home.


Remember that night
when we were all alone


and you snuck into my room?


And I pretended to be asleep.


But when you took off
my clothes,


I couldn't pretend any longer.


We did things
you and Mommy never did.


I hope you're not angry
at me anymore, Daddy.


I only did that to Mommy


because I wanted you
all to myself.


Bel, Bel, untie me, please?




You can tuck me in
like you always did.


What's wrong, Daddy?




Don't you want to fuck
your little girl again?


Did you forget what you did
to me all those years?


Why did you do that to me?


Why did you do that to me!


- Bel...
- Why?


Stop! Bel!


Stop! Bel!


Bel, stop!


Why did you do that to me!


Why did you do that to me!


Stop! Stop!


Bel! Stop, please!


Stop it! Stop it!




Untie me.


What the fuck is that?


You're not hiding something,
are you, Evan?


What are you hiding here, huh?


Come on, where is it, Daddy?


It's Karen on FaceTime!


- I've been dying to meet her.
- Answer it.


- Let's get to know her.
- No! No!


You're right,
this could get awkward.


- What are you doing?
- Much better.




Can a cock answer an iPhone?


Yes, Belly,
but it's gotta be hard.




No! Please!


- It could be my kids!
- Hi Evan, welcome back.


So? Have they ever seen
a cheating dick before?


How about covered
in her lipstick?


Okay! Okay, okay, okay,
okay, okay, okay. Please.


Bel, I'll do whatever you want.


Yes! Yes!


Okay. Okay.


Now, fuck me, Daddy!


- Fuck me!
- Attaboy, Evan.


Fuck her.


Fuck her
like it was last night.


Yeah, fuck her good!


Fuck me, Daddy!


Fuck me like you fuck
your little daughter!


Doggy style, Belly!


You want something to eat, Bel?


No, I'm okay.




Fuck me, Daddy!


Fuck me like you fuck Mommy!


Yeah, Daddy's little girl!


You're a good little girl!


- Fuck me, Daddy!
- Yeah!


Fuck me like you fuck Mommy!






My scar! My scar! My scar!


My surgery!


You've been
a very bad boy, Evan!


Please, please, please
take it out! Take it out!


Oh, my God!


Oh, my...




Why did you hit me, Daddy?


Now we have to punish you.


Welcome to America's
favorite game show,


Who Wants to be a Pedophile!


Where we give the audience
what they want!


The chance to punish
a pedophile.


But first,


let's welcome our lovely,
beautiful and charming,


Ms. Bel!


Hello, Ms. Bel.


For tonight's contestant,


we have a very special one,


he's not only an architect
but also a DJ,


a husband, a father of two,


possibly three.




All the way from
one percent land,


Mr. Evan Webber!


Ms. Bel, would you please
get our contestant ready?




You're both crazy
fucking bitches!


You look 21, you lied to me!


Oh, like you lied to your wife?


What I tell my wife is
none of your goddamn...


God! God!


Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
My ears! My ears!


I'll go deaf! I'll go deaf!


This is fucking serious!


I could go deaf!


The game hasn't started yet.


Our first category...




How far away from school


will Evan have
to pick up his kids?


100 yards?


500 yards?


Or two miles?


This is fucking sick!




Wrong answer.
Correct answer is


you can't pick up
your kids from prison.


Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!




What's our next category,
Ms. Bel?


I love this one.




Evan, this should be
easy for you.


How many family men
have survived this game?




What was that?






- Next question.
- Genesis.


You've proved your point.


God! I can't hear!
I can't hear!


Please stop!


All you have to do is
answer the question, Evan.






Well, ask it, for fuck's sake!


What's the proper punishment
for a pedophile?


Is it prison where
you get raped every day


and you never get to see
your family again?




Or death?


Tick-tock. Tick-tock.


Tick-tock. Tick-tock.
Tick-tock. Tick-tock.


Ten seconds.


Tick-tock. Tick-tock.
Tick-tock. Tick-tock.


Well, looks like it's time for
our first commercial break.


We'll be back after a message
from our sponsors.


Hello. It's me, Louis!


Mr. Webber?


Who's Louis?


Fucking douche bag.


Get that sheet, cover him up.




- You must be Louis.
- Yes.


I'm Bernadette.
I'm Uncle Evan's niece.


Oh, hi, nice to meet you.


Obviously, you're with
Uncle Evan.


Sorry, we're shooting
a music video.


Well, you guys picked
an awesome location.


Come on in.


So where'd you come in from?


- Dallas.
- Oh? I used to live in Austin.


Oh, I've never been.


Well, it's fun when
you're in college.


Yeah, I went to Parsons.


Oh, great school.


I went to SVA.


- Hi.
- Hi.


- I'm Louis.
- Hi.


- Hi. I'm...
- She's Macarena.


- She's my friend from Spain.
- -Oh.


- He's here to pick up...
- The art work outside.


- Yes.
- Excuse me.


- Somebody touch this?
- We didn't touch it.


It's Aunt Karen's stuff,
we wouldn't go near it.


I did see Evan in here earlier,


maybe he did.




'cause it's not supposed
to be like this.


It's supposed to be bubble-wrapped
and packed up and ready to go.


- Why would Evan do this?
- She said it wasn't us.




Oh, fuck.


Oh, my God.


What the fuck did y'all do?


What the fuck is this shit!


We didn't want to tell you,
someone broke in


and that's why Evan's out.


- He was chasing them.
- Yeah.


Shut the fuck up!


Shut the fuck up,
both of you right now!


Nobody fucking move!


I'm calling the cops right now.


Please don't tell Karen.


This could be our little secret.


Bitch, you're barking up
the wrong fucking tree.


I'm from Oakland, ho!


I know two ghetto ass
hos when I see 'em!


Come to think of it,
Evan doesn't even have any fucking nieces.


Who the fuck are you?


You better hope the police
get here before Karen does.


- What the fuck was that?
- Nothing.


- Hey, wait.
- Wait.


- It's nothing.
- Get out of my way!






Mr. Webber!


Are you okay? Oh, fuck!


They're crazy!


Close the door.
Close the door.




- I gotta stop these crazy ass bitches.
- Louis, forget it!


They're dangerous!


No! No! Stop!


Stop it!


What are you doing!


Looking for this?


Louis! Be careful!


They're crazy!


Monkey in the middle!
Monkey in the middle!


We can't say
that, Belly, it's racist.


Okay, man in the middle!


Give it to him!


No, Genesis, give him that!






Genesis! Please, this isn't his fault!
Please call an ambulance, help him!




Bel, please help him!


Call an ambulance, I promise
I won't say anything!


Bel, Genesis! Call an ambulance,
for fuck's sake!


I think it's a little late
for an ambulance, Evan.


He tripped, it's his fault.


We were just playing
monkey in the middle.


I mean, man in the middle.


Oh, my God!


You killed him!


You killed him!


Your wife killed him
with her shitty sculpture.


This shit's dangerous, Evan.


How can you keep
this here with kids?


That's irresponsible parenting.


Yeah maybe your wife
should stick to painting.


Get the fuck away from me!


Where do you think
you're going, Evan?


Get the fuck off me!
Leave me alone!


Wanna go for a little ride?


You can't run away
from us, Daddy.


You can't escape.




This is what happens when you break
the rules of the game, Evan.


This is just like art class.


What I did to Karen's statue


is nothing compared
to what I'm going to do to you


if I ever see your
fucking lying face again.


I trusted you both,
how could you fuck my wife?


Never come
near my family again.


Disappear or you're
fucking dead.


Which way is MOMA?


It's more like "momma."


Ronnie is gonna have
a field day with this one.


Yeah, I'm sure he will.


That guy's a magician.




He can make anything disappear.


Let's finish this.


Wow, those were some
really long commercials.


Thanks to our sponsor Louis
for that little lovely break.


Now! Back to our
million dollar question.


What is the proper punishment
for a pedophile?




I love my children.
I love my wife.


I'm a good father.


How can you judge anyone?


You're murderers.


Is that your final answer?


Cause you're gonna go deaf
in about 10 seconds from now.


Please, Genesis!


I'm a good father!


Until yesterday.


That doesn't change
how much I love them!


Do you really love them, Evan?




More than anything in the world.


So why didn't you think of
them when you were inside us?


Yeah, why, Evan?


Last night had nothing
to do with my family.


Damn right it didn't, Evan!


It had nothing
to do with them.


Your family are victims.


Victims of your sleazy, disgusting,
perverted behavior.


Jake. Lisa.


They don't deserve
a father like you.


This is what you did
to your family.


You pervert.


Genesis, please,
this isn't the answer!


Wrong answer.


Correct answer is death.


We'll be back
after this commercial break.






You're gonna kill me?


You're gonna fucking kill me!


Why? Why!
Because I fucked you?


You fucked me!
You fucked me!


You came to my house!
You came to me!


I got you a car,
I brought you your clothes,


you took a fucking bubble bath!


You wanted it! You wanted it!
You came on to me!


What was I supposed to do?


You sucked my cock, you both
fucking sucked my cock!


It was free pizza!
Free fucking pizza!


It just shows up
at my fucking door!


What am I supposed to do?


"We're flight attendants.
Come on, fuck us!


"No one will know.
Come on, fuck us!"


Oh, twosomes, threesomes.
It doesn't matter!


Starfish! Husbands!
You don't give a fuck,


you'll just fuck anything,
you'll just fuck anything!


Well, you lied to me,
I tried to help you!


I let you in,


I was a good guy,
I'm a good father!


And you just fucking fucked me!


Now, you're gonna kill me!


You're gonna kill me? Why?


Why? 'Cause you fucked me?


What the fuck-fuck-fuck,
this is fucking insane!


You're to be executed at dawn.


If I were you,


I wouldn't waste my last
few hours crying about it.


I'm sorry, Daddy.


It is the only way.




Oh, my God! Oh, my God!


Oh, my God!


FaceTime. Karen!


FaceTime. Karen.


Digging a grave
is fucking tiring.


And filthy.


Your wife's clothes
are gonna need dry cleaning.


What's that?


You can't have access
to an iPad, Evan.


You could be trying
to reach a child.


Let's face it, Evan.
You're a monster.


Or should I say monster!




Monster surprised?


How do you know about that?


Oh, monster confused!


How the fuck do you know that!


Monster will be quiet!


You spied on me?


On my kids?


Oh, my fucking God!


Oh, my fucking God! Jesus!


I'm so fucking stupid!


Yeah, you are.


Monster retarded.


Let's change, I feel gross.


Look at all this shit.


This is you, Evan.


This is gonna be your little fucking head,
you fucking cheater!


I love this color!
Red's my favorite!


No! No!
Gotta be pretty for your funeral.


He's so hairy.




You don't wanna lose an ear.


Hold still.


There we go.
You look pretty.


There's Evan cutie!


There you have it.


Oh, now we see
your pretty face.


Fucking bitches!


"I love the sound
of vinyl. I'm Evan."


Watch this, Evan.




Is that real?


What a clever way to hide
this from the kids, Evan!


You know, most firearm deaths are
a family member of the gun owner.


I don't own a gun.


It's dangerous.


Untie him.


- Are you sure?
- Yeah.


Genesis, please don't
point that at me.


I know,


it's cheating.
We still have 90 minutes.


But you were keeping secrets
from us, Evan.


Had you gotten to this before us


I don't think we'd be
having this conversation.


And you wouldn't do the same?


I'm not like you, Evan.


I don't own a gun,
I don't shoot people.


I sure as hell don't bend the rules
for my own convenience.


Untie him, Belly.


I don't want him to kick me.


He won't.


He kicks, I shoot.


He knows that.


Don't you, Evan?


What do you want?


I wanna play hide and seek.




Thirty seconds.
Only inside the house.


You leave the house, I shoot.


What're you gonna do
when you find me?


Well, if we don't
find you by sunrise,


we'll leave.


- Bullshit.
- Thirty seconds. Go! Go!


- Go!
- Go!


30, 29...


28, 27...


26, 25...


24, 23, 22...




Ready or not? Here we come!




You can't hide from us.


Here we come.




We can smell you, Evan.




Psst! In here.


- Evan?
- Oh, Evan?


Are you here, monster?










Yeah, there he goes!


Evan! Stop!


Oh, fuck!


Don't fucking move!


Help me! Help me!


- Scream all you fucking want!
- Help me!


No one's fucking home!
We tried every house!


Are you ready!


Please don't do this!


- Time to say goodbye!
- Please! Please!




Help me!


Please, somebody help me!


Are you religious?


Help! Please somebody, help!


Please, let me go!


Help! Please help me!
Somebody help me!


No! Help me!


No! No! No! No! No!


No, help! Help!


One, two, three!




So Evan, did we
hurt your shoulder?


We want you
to be comfy, Evan.


Help! Help!


Help! Help!


Don't move, Evan. You might
get dirt in your eyes.


Yeah, close your eyes, baby.


Help! Help!




Help! Help! Help!


Help! Help! Help!


Please. Please.


Please. Please, don't do this.


Please! Bel. Please.


It looks like he's trying
to communicate.




If you promise to behave,
I'll take out the gag.




Don't do this. Please?


I'll do whatever you want.
I'll do whatever you want.




Even calling your family
and telling them everything you did to us?




Yes. Yes. Yes. I'll tell them.


I'll tell them.


Okay, let's give him a lifeline.


I love the lifeline part.
Let's see.


But the lifeline
is a phone call.


Not FaceTime.


Your wife's not gonna
see you like this.


Hi, this is Karen Alvarado,


please leave a message
or send a text. Ciao.


Go ahead, talk.


Honey. I'm sorry for
what I'm gonna tell you.


They made me.




Call 911!


- Call 911! I've been kidnapped...
- Evan, Evan...


- ...by two girls!
- Evan!


Call 911!


- Call 911!
- No, no, no, Evan!


- You broke the rule.
- Evan, why did you do that?


Well, now she'll
fucking find you!


Not really.


I hung up as soon as it hit voice mail.
I knew you'd pussy out.


You fucking whores!


You fucking whores!


I'll fucking kill you,
you fucking-fuck bitch cunt!


I'll fucking kill you!
You fucking bitches!


Oh, there's Evan. There he is!


We missed you.


Fucking whores!




I said knock-knock.




I don't think he can talk.


Okay. Knock-knock.


Who's there?


- Cheating Evan.
- Cheating Evan who?


Cheating "Evan-tually"
gets you killed.


No! No!


- Ready, Evan?
- No!




- One!
- No!


- Two.
- Do it!


- No! No!
- Three!


Look at his face.


We got you good.


You didn't really think we
were gonna kill you, did you?


We're not animals.


It was just a game, Evan.


A game? A game?


You know what?


For a moment, I thought
you were the one who'd say no.


And now we have to play
a game with someone else.


You know what's funny?
They never say no.


No matter who they are.


No matter how much
they love their families.


You're all the same.


Bye, Evan.


You were my favorite.




Wish me happy birthday.
I turn 22 next week.




I freaked out
when I turned 18.


But you made me feel 15 again.
Thanks, Evan.


Let's get out of here.


Oh, I almost forgot.
Yes, your phone.


You know you really should be
more careful with Facebook.


If you don't log out someone could do
terrible things with it.


Post something really personal
for all your friends to see.


Look closely.
So you'll remember us.


Yes, Evan, fuck her!


Fuck me, Daddy!




Attaboy, Evan. Fuck her!


Fuck me! Fuck me!


I'm sure you'll get a
lot of likes though.


Doggy style, Belly!






Bye, Evan! Muah!
We'll miss you!






Oh, no!


Fuck me, Daddy!


God, God!


Take your bags to your rooms.
Then go use the bathroom.


And then we're gonna
go see Monkey, okay?


- Are you guys tired?
- Yeah!






Daddy had a party.


You know what's funny?
They never say no.


No matter who they are.


No matter how much
they love their families.


You're all the same.


Bye, Evan.


You were my favorite.




Wish me happy birthday.
I turn 22 next week.




I freaked out
when I turned 18.


But you made me feel 15 again.
Thanks, Evan.


Let's get out of here.


Oh, I almost forgot.
Yes, your phone.


You know you really should be
more careful with Facebook.


If you don't log out someone could do
terrible things with it.


Post something really personal
for all your friends to see.


Look closely.
So you'll remember us.


Yes, Evan, fuck her!


Fuck me, Daddy!




Attaboy, Evan. Fuck her!


Fuck me! Fuck me!


I'm sure you'll get a
lot of likes though.


Doggy style, Belly!






Bye, Evan! Muah!
We'll miss you!






Oh, no!


Fuck me, Daddy!


God, God!


Take your bags to your rooms.
Then go use the bathroom.


And then we're gonna
go see Monkey, okay?