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We interrupt this program to bring you
a special news bulletin.

Ernest Strohbecker
and two accomplices...

...escaped from a maximum-security
ward in Bellevue Hospital last night...

...after brutally stabbing two nurses
and a custodian to death.

Strohbecker is extremely dangerous,
brutal and unpredict...









He has the hots for you.


For me? No.


Cut. Brilliant.




Okay, I think we have
a little communication gap here.


When I said "more"...

...I didn't mean trash the fucking set.


This is not Chekhov. You're not
the star. You're just another victim.


You get stabbed. You die.


I want to see the pain.
I want to see the blood spurting.


Billy, where was the blood?
I want to see her bleed to death.


Okay? Okay?


Let's do it again, folks!


You make the blood flow
by squeezing the bag with your elbow.


- Okay?
- Sure.

We're gonna be here till Christmas,




Tell him you make the blood flow
by squeezing the bag with your elbow.


- Okay.
- Tell her...

...that he will get it right next time.


She heard you.

Y'all keep forgetting
she can hear you perfectly well.


- Oh, I'm sorry.
- It's okay.


Okay, from the top.


Stop. Stop. Stop!


What's the holdup?


What is he saying?


He says he's awfully sorry, but he
needs at least a day to redress the set.

A day?


Okay, well, let's just do the close-up of
the corpse, and that'll wrap it for today.


All right. Okay.

So, what I want to do is zoom in, do a
slow zoom into the puddle of blood...




Madame Olga wants some sugar
in her blood again.


Thank you.


So, he's kind of cute.


Three months in Moscow,
cold winter nights...


Just a thought.


Billy, that's what Mom would say.




He says use more white
like a real dead body.


Okay, Boris, get everyone ready.


Out of frame, Billy.


What is going on now?


Andy. Sorry, 6:00.

- One more shot!
- We have no time.


One shot! I can't believe this.


She needs to go get Strohbecker's face.


Right! His dummy falls off
the balcony on Monday.

We'll wait here for you.


Karen, she's got her own car.


Okay. Okay. Don't forget tonight.


Yeah, yeah, yeah! Fiesta!


I'm making my famous chili con Clarke.


Alex, what do you say? You coming?


Sorry. I have tickets
for the Bolshoi Ballet tonight.


Well, try and stay awake.






Honey! Honey, can you get that?



I'm in the shower!










Didn't it even cross your mind?
It could've been Billy.

I was thinking about dinner.


I'm still thinking about dinner.


She's not there either. Shit.




Hello, Billy! Thank God. She's there.

- Are you all right?
- Ask her about the mask.

You want to tap something through?


Wait. Wait.


- Oh, man!
- A...


- Oh, man!


- Man!


- Oh, man.
- Was it L? The second letter, was it L?







- We're eating out tonight.
- Okay.

So are you coming over now?


Do you have the mask?


Well, don't worry. Just get over here.


You hungry?




Stop. Stop. Stop.






Is anyone there?


I can explain.






Wait. I explain.


Lyosh! Lyosh!




Hello? Is anybody there?


- Come here, quickly!
- Oh, my God, Billy.




- What happened?
- I don't know.


She slipped and fall bad. Poor Billy.


Andy, she's at the back!

Get the doctor, quickly.


You go. I'll stay here with her.


- Let go of her.
- No, I must hold her. She must not move.

Danger she'll never walk again
if she move.


- Go!
- Yeah, okay.






Billy, you mustn't move.


You may become paralyzed.
It's dangerous.


Don't worry. I'll be right back. I promise.




What's going on?


Andy, go with the janitor
and fetch an ambulance!

- Billy's had an accident.
- What?


Don't just stand there! Do it now!




Come on!


It's all right, sweetie. I'm here now,
and an ambulance is on its way.


Let go of her.
She's trying to say something.






Andy! Andy!


Excuse me. It's true.
We just fake murder.


If we really want to murder,
why make film of it?


We're not stupid, really.


No, no. Sorry.


We understand how she feel.


She think she see
a real murder and panic.


Where did you see the murder from?


And it was this man?


But you say here, "He wore a stocking
pulled over his head.


And then they chased me through
the building and try to kill me as well."


Guys! Guys. English, please.


We make test for you.


For your film.

We try make blood much big.


He's lying!


Sorry, Billy. We not tell you.


Keep secret not to hurt your feelings.


- I would've let you done tests.
- Andy.


What I mean is...


Let's see their film.
I'll know if it's real.


You're right.


Wait. Stop!


He could expose the film.


Let her do it. Please.


This lets you unload the film
without needing a darkroom.


I see.

God, it's hot in here.


If he had exposed the film to the light, he
could have destroyed all the evidence.


Actually, I haven't done this
since film school.


Right. It's safe in the can now.


Here. Take it to the lab immediately
for developing.


It's okay.

It's okay.


Murder weapon? Where?


Stop. Stop. Stop!


- I'm...
- What?


- I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.
- You...


Oh, my God!


- Tastes sweet.
- It's for the actors.

They put the stuff in their mouths.


- What she say?
- That it's her knife.


They broke into her box
and used the blood.


So now she say it was a trick.


It happened so fast
she couldn't see the knife clearly.


But everything else
she saw tonight was clear?


The body in the elevator shaft.
She saw that.


- What?
- What? What?




- It is fake blood.
- It's fake blood.

They could have soaked the sheets
in fake blood afterwards.


But where is the body?


Here you say, "A head cut off."


Wait. Wait.


She says...


Well, there were more bags
in there before.


No, she's right.


I will show you.


From lift shaft
we take the rubbish here.


Fast. Easy.


Hey, we need that.


Sorry, I can do nothing for you now.

But I will call you
after I see the film. Okay?




Well, I've never been more
embarrassed in my entire life.


I don't get it. I mean, Billy's a pro.

She'd know the difference
between a real murder and a gag.

Please, has she even seen
a real murder?

That's my point.


If what she saw tonight was real,
then she has seen the difference, right?

Oh, come on. We all bought the guy
cutting me up tonight. Even I believed it.

Because you're a wuss.


I'm gonna let that slide.


No offence, Billy, but I'd like to re-shoot
the stuff today using that guy's knife.

It was her knife. God!


Whatever. It looked good.


Shut up.










Please, Billy, take some of mine.
You'll feel better.




Could you pass me the salt, please?


You could at least make the effort.




...l'm sorry. All I can think about now is
the movie, but as soon as we get back...

...I promise, I'll learn.
- How often have I heard that?


Come on. I can understand
some of what she's saying.



Okay, how about this?


- Means "makeup," right?
- Wrong.

It means somebody's look,
the expression on their face.

- That was close.
- Billy said...

...she'll never forget the look
on the girl's face...


...from the moment she knew
she was gonna die.

She said the pain
and the terror was real.

You can't act that.